Supercharges recruiters with machine intelligence

Algorithmic candidate tracking and matching

We will be launching our new website soon

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About Us

Frustrated by the inefficiency of manually searching for candidates, but aware of the need for personal relationships in recruitment, we set out to build an algorithm-based matching engine that supports and enhances the recruitment consultant. It’s like having the worlds best researcher supporting you.

Adam Barnett

Adam designed it. 13 years of recruitment experience including the past 7 years running a firm specialising in algorithmic trading recruitment

Craig Swatman

Craig built it. 14 years of development experience building cool functionality into on-demand TV in Java and

Tristan Fletcher

Tristan made it smart. PhD from UCL in Machine Learning. 10 years of Investment Banking followed by 4 years of applying Machine Learning to real- world problems. Specialisation in Natural Language Processing


We launch our new website soon.
Please stay updated and follow.