Introduction to Automatons
So, how to manage this artificial intelligence problem, when you are a digital manager or a CEO ? AI can, first of all, automate some tasks : automatons can be robots in factories that cut, assemble and control quality of production.
They are widely present in the automotive industry and are coming in industry areas that currently intensively resort to human labor, such as textile : the new generation of robots cut fabrics more efficiently that humans, the next one could learn to assemble them. If this was the cas, textile industry could relocate in Europe, because relocation to asia has been dictated by the share of labor in global, textile factory cost, which could become marginal.
In service company, thousands of low value added tasks can potentially be automated, as soon as a expert of processes and an inspired coder meet and invent a bot to automate that scilly task that make 15 of the staff work. Automatons have already been used in emailing by personnal development ebooks or video training since the early 2000s so retarget their prospect. They have been used for 5 years by ecommerce website through abandonists follow ups scenarios, through email, a bit coarse for the time being, but which are getting finer.
Automatons who scrap content or email addresses in the heart of growth hacking techniques.
Tomorrow, new automatons could write product descriptions as intelligent as writers (who are very often not well paid and not well trained) and why not, even adapt in real time the product description to the profil of the customer that reads it.
Chatbots, which currently belong to the category of very simple automatons in the sense that today a chabot is essentially able to qualify an internet user by a funnel questions and to provide standard answers. Chatbots automate user onboarding and are currently not able to manage real conversations.