Thoughts about Artificial Intelligence

  • The artificial intelligence revolution


    The artificial intelligence revolution
    Artificial intelligence is promising to reshape the tech and economic landscape. The promise is here but what is the reality of artificial intelligence behind the scenes ?
  • Automatons


    Automatons are the primary form of artificial intelligence. Though they are not the most evolved form of AI, they can take care of basic tasks formerly done by humans.
  • Machine Learning and Deep Learning


    Machine Learning and Deep Learning
    Machine learning are almost the exclusivity of Google, Facebook, Amazon and university labs.
  • Intelligent Agents


    Intelligent Agents
    Intelligent agents are what we ordinary refer when we think about artificial intelligence

The second type of tasks AI can manage is data analysis. Arficial intelligence laboratories insides the GAFAM companies work for most of their time on the analysis of titanesque quantities of data that they collect from billions of users. Those technologies are called Machine Learning or Deep Learning according the level of complexity of the analytics methods that are used.

RPA is based on a technology that emerged in the 1950s and 1960s and was developed to current standards by the industry's leading suppliers. This is the future? Think about AI.

So, how to manage this artificial intelligence problem, when you are a digital manager or a CEO ? AI can, first of all, automate some tasks : automatons can be robots in factories that cut, assemble and control quality of production.

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